Wednesday, January 26, 2011

RKC strength training starts tonight!

My RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) Conditioning starts tonight. 10 min warmup squats and Halo's followed by High rep KB swings with Rasputin (my 35lb kettlebell) with Jogging between sets as an active recovery phase.
If you do it right, believe me 35lbs is more than enough to get you moving. (Unless you are Mike French!)

Just finished up!

KILLER 25 min workout. 5 sets of 10 Halos, 4 sets of 10 squats with Rasputin. (holy crap what a killer) 10 sets of 10 reps two hand swings with jog between sets.. My legs are TOAST! You feel those swings with every muscle. 6650 pounds of Iron moved in 25 min. My work here is done!
Today has been an excellent Primal day.  My Vibrams showed up (Pics tomorrow) as well as my Primal "Grok On" shirt.   Now I'm a stylish Modern Primal!


Primal Day 10 Update.

Primal day 10:
Nutrition has been spot on, except for a few minor indiscretions with Guinness Stout. I do need to eat more though, and pick up some ketosis strips to see if I'm in fat burning or have put myself into starvation mode. I'm just not hungry. (It happens every time I eat clean) My body is getting used to this nutrient dense food, and is too sated.  I’m not having any energy crashes or brain fogs.  So, it cant be all bad.

Vibrams should be here this evening! I will do an unboxing on them later.  I am going to start up slow with them.  I have been doing a lot of reading on how to get started with barefoot/minimum running.

Energy and mental clarity is waaaaaaay up!  With renewed energy also comes the desire to move more and work out more.  I have been going over the basics of kettlebell work again, and will make that the focus of my strength training for the next few weeks.

That’s where I’m sitting right this moment.  Weight down, energy and mental clarity up!
