Day 17 of our 30 day primal challenge~!
I have been going along, simply trying to stay 100% primal (And hitting about 90%) without setting any goals for weight loss, or physical fitness. I had figured that I would have enough research work cut out for me to add stress of a weight goal at this point.
But now that I’m in the full swing of it, I am ready to set some goals, and a deadline.
Goal 1:
To drop from current weight (as of this morning) of 188lbs to 170lbs of lean muscle by the April 30th Primal Accelerated Success Seminar.
Goal 2:
To have the kitchen set up for 100% primal meals, and to eat 100% primal on the road during travels.
Goal 3:
To create a primal play course on the farm, with rope climb, chin up bar, and other primal play workout stations with lots of combo movements.
Goal 4:
To host a Kettlebell seminar day here at the cave.
Goal 5:
To be ready for more races in the spring, to raise my running up to 5 miles at a time, with Vibrams.
Goal 6:
To help support and educate the primal/paleo community through my blog, and walking the walk, everyday.
All of these goals are flexible. My running distance may go up… Shooting for 100% primal in all nutrition is a goal, while 80% is acceptable. In the spring it will be much easier to maintain, as we will have the expanded garden up in full swing. Not to mention that Momma Bear and I are giving serious thought to bringing in a bee hive to the farm. (MMMMM fresh honey).
I write these goals as I am snowed in with the family after the worst blizzard in 20 years here. It has afforded me much time to sit, reflect, and study. The first 17 days of this journey have made great changes in me. I have given up all soda. ( I drink only black coffee and water) I have quit smoking (yet again) with no cravings or other issues. My energy is up, my mind is clear.
And, I’m EXCITED about living!!!!