It was a stressful week for Poppabear. I have spent the last 4 days snowed in, stuck in a hotel room in Oklahoma City. I was going stir crazy. To make matters worse, I didn’t bring Rasputin with me.
So, I finally got home, grabbed my kettlebell and my Vibrams and headed out into the snow.
It was an epic workout. I swear I could hear “Eye of the Tiger” playing in the background. My workout was like a Rocky montage.
I am totally blasted! I put everything I had into that workout, form and intenstity.. here's the numbers (cause poundage is fun!) 10 sets of 20 2hand swings, 5 a side 1/2 turkish get ups,15 a side clean and press. All with Rasputin (my 35lb kettlebell). For a grand total of 8400lbs moved! Hells yea! And I feel it.. every inch.
I love working out with the kettlebell, all the intensity and compound movements. I can’t think of a better workout for the time. Every action works multiple muscles, and works them HARD!!! I really needed it after being cooped up in a hotel room for 4 days with only a treadmill.
I feel so pumped!
By the way, this is day 28 of my 30 day primal challenge. Look for a big 30 day summary on Sunday! Tomorrow we go to our local CSA and talk to the farmers about buying shares in their organic farms. YUM!!!!
Follow me @PoppabearsCave on twitter!