Tuesday, May 31, 2011


There has been quite a few changes going on as to my focus, and this blog.  I am still deep into the primal/paleo movement.  But, I have so much more to offer than just recipes and workout ideas.  So... I will be relaunching the blog shortly to bring in articles on my other areas of interest.  The following are a sample.  Organic gardening.  Back yard chickens.  Beekeeping.  Brewing.  BBQ.  Wood working.  And many others.  My main focus is trying to get as much use out of my 1.5 acres of land as possible.  I have so many hobbies and projects going on at a given time that some of that knowledge will be useful to some folks.

On the fitness side... I've gotten 2 new kettlebells from DragonDoor.  A 53lb and another 35lb.  I've been doing doubles with my twin 35's and they are killers!!!  2hand swings with the 53 pounder is MONEY my shoulders are toasted!!!!!.  I'm still eating primal and cooking up a storm.  And much brewing of mead has lately joined the kitchen work.  The garden is humming along nicely.
Talk to you all soon with pics and new articles!
Primal Mikey.