Sunday, February 13, 2011

Field trip day to CSA, Farmers Market, and Meat Market

Wow, Yesterday was a super busy busy busy day.  The entire family got up super early (for them) and we made the white knuckle drive to down town Kansas City for an open house meeting of our local CSA (Not cub scouts of America.. It’s Community Supported Agriculture).  Poppabear is a country bear and does not handle the stress of city driving well.  Especially with two little girls chattering in the back seat like monkeys fighting over a banana.
            We made it there, alive, and the first person I sought out was a good CSA for grass feed beef.  I met up with Tom and Paula Parker, from Parker Farms.  We spent over an hour talking the evils of feed lots, and various other things.  We had a lot of similar views on the important things.  In the end, we signed up and come April we’ll be getting plenty of grassfed beef, and lamb. I am very excited!
            My thanks go out to my sister Joyce for introducing me to CSA’s.


 Next, we piled back into the car and made the trip to the Kansas city river market.   

It was off season, so not a lot of the stalls were open.  But we bought spices!!!!  OOOOOOOoooOOOooh we bought spices! 


  I picked us a bunch of good curry powder, and cilantro.  My brother Joe pointed out some poblano  peppers we decided to pick up for the grill that night.

            After another white knuckle ride we arrived at McGonigle’s meat market.  The choices of meat were staggering, and we didn’t make it out of there without dropping a good amount of cash on stuff we couldn’t get closer to home.  Kansas City is known world wide for its BBQ.  McGonigle's is where the BBQ pro's buy their meat.  'Nuff Said!

I was happy to find some ox tail, and lamb stew meat.  I picked up some ruby trout fillets for later as well. 


We all picked out a steak for the grill, and headed back home.

 The plan was for the families to come back to the cave, grill up some food, and then walk around the property and discuss the multi family garden layout for the spring.  We all agreed it was too much work for the day we had just had, so we ate our steaks and called it a night.

It was a good day.



  1. An excellent family day :-)

    I generated at least 100 times the amount of stress you did driving by watching Scotland lose to Wales in the 6 nations rugby!

    So wound up was I that I had to withdraw in the last 20 minutes and go and do some yoga - not a good day in the Grok household!

    Looking forward to your 30 day round up later today ...

  2. LOL! Check out the first line of MDA's post today LOL!

  3. Sorry about your team, Cavegirl. Heh, yea, I saw his CSA link, I think him and Robb Wolf are reading our blogs for ideas...

  4. Actually I have thought that before to be honest, especially the one about Flow recently, I did one about the Art of Stillness which wasn't a million miles away! But it's all good, sharing the joy :-)

    Just composing my Year of Proper Primal Post.
